Saturday, April 30, 2011


So the sun is out in Seattle today and it reminded me of the warm summer sun and taking a cat nap while you bask in it to get tan. And as long as you got some SPF on you then great! Go for it! But I can't help but notice that orange glow coming from most girls' skin doesn't look too natural, considering this is one of the first sunny days we have had in months... Girls embrace the pale! Yes spray tanning won't give you skin cancer, but do you really want to look like a shade from a paint color swatch? I would hope not. I mean if it floats your boat then go ahead. But just know being pale is okay and actually considered beyond beautiful in many countries. I realize being tan is nice, but personally I'm going to save it for the summer. <3

1 comment:

  1. I love to get a tan but I hate going out in the sun. I tried to use some tanning lotion but they always leave me orange! So now I just embrace my skin color the way it is! xoxoxoo
