Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Newspaper on Broadway.

Rule of Thirds.

Slow Shutter Speed.

Soft Framing.

Architectural Detail on 1st Ave.

Geometrical Shapes on Pike in the alley.

An interesting pattern (same as earlier art work, just different angle).

My friend Ryan jumping off the ground. This wall is by a park on Broadway.

Shoes of The Tallboys.

Water fountain on 1st Ave.

Vantage Point.
Walking down the freeway ramp looking at El Corazon.

Lunch at Pike.

Streets of Pike.

Implied Lines.

Isolated Subject.

High Definition Resolution

Long Depth of Field

Shallow Depth of Field
This was a local band called The Tallboys playing outside the first Starbucks.

This was a picture I took on Broadway, the colors just really caught my eye.

Environmental Portrait

Fast Shutter Speed

Hard Framing

People in Seattle.

Musician at Pike Place Market.

A huge sign I saw walking down Broadway.

Artwork made out of bottle caps.

Macro, a close up of the art work.
This is an example of Available Light and I took it at Pike Place at one of the Market shops.
This was a door I found hidden with a piece of art painted on it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Artist Statement

I use photography to show a side of something you wouldn't normally see. To take an ordinary object and bring a new beauty to it. Photography is a way to show things I am passionate about, and stuff I do on a daily basis. It is a healthy way to express myself as well.
I love taking pictures of little things in big cities. Something that you wouldn't normally focus on coming to life is such an interesting thing to me. I also enjoy taking pictures of people doing something they love like music, acting, or a simple hobby of reading. People living their life happily is so huge to me and I think it is important to do.
I am inspired by artists and the happiness people experience through a daily routine. Photography is all about showing who I am and what I enjoy. The photos above are taken in Seattle and many are candid, while others are of stuff that remind me of this beautiful city.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Beyond Wonderland: Seattle 2011

This is my friend Paige (left) and me at Beyond Wonderland in Seattle this last Saturday. Sooo much fun! Alice in Wonderland has always been one of my favorite movies/ book, and the fact there was a themed rave for it made me so happy! A lot of people are very judgmental about raves and think they are horrible. But the music scene is growing and a lot of people go just to show their support for the artists. It is a great time and a great place to dance like crazy. :)

I don't know who the two girls in the middle are (they asked us to take a picture with them haha), but the girl on the far left is my best friend Aisha. She is the fucking best to party with!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Make Up for Raves

People always judge and bash on raves. But it is a crazy experience and so much fun. The music is moving and you can lose yourself in it. My favorite one happened just this past Saturday in Seattle. Beyond Wonderland. Fucking amazing. I was the cheshire cat and went to Mac to get my make up done. I asked for a feline look, crazy colors, and a lot of eye liner. She was fantastic and did it perfect. I loved it!

Saturday, April 30, 2011


So the sun is out in Seattle today and it reminded me of the warm summer sun and taking a cat nap while you bask in it to get tan. And as long as you got some SPF on you then great! Go for it! But I can't help but notice that orange glow coming from most girls' skin doesn't look too natural, considering this is one of the first sunny days we have had in months... Girls embrace the pale! Yes spray tanning won't give you skin cancer, but do you really want to look like a shade from a paint color swatch? I would hope not. I mean if it floats your boat then go ahead. But just know being pale is okay and actually considered beyond beautiful in many countries. I realize being tan is nice, but personally I'm going to save it for the summer. <3

Friday, April 29, 2011

Purdy Hair

I may have almost black hair, but I still love white blonde hair. And of course the color.

No need to spend so much money...

Why spend hundreds of dollars at a store when you can find just as cute clothes at a Thrift Store. I can go in and walk away with 2 sweaters, an American Apparel hoodie, 5 shirts, ring, feather hair clip, and purse under $100. Score. In Seattle the U-District is amazing for this. Buffalo Exchange and Red Light are two of my personal favorites.

Bows for Days

I am in love with big bows lately. Especially as a headband!! It can make a "harsh" outfit have more of a cutesy feel.
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Thursday, April 28, 2011